Whole House Remodel
Replaced or repaired windows, doors, trim, gutters, porch railings, shake siding, and replaced hardware and fixtures throughout.
Complete property renovation and remodel project for a farm in Carthage, NC that had been neglected for years and was in need of repair from top to bottom. We replaced rotted wood, rusted hardware, and sheet metal and roofing where necessary. Refinished, painted and sealed all exterior surfaces on the main house, barn and stable, including rebuilding fences and gates for security. Added new porch railing, shutters, gutters, and painted the dated red brick to a modern white to bring new life to the main house.
Replaced or repaired windows, doors, trim, gutters, porch railings, shake siding, and replaced hardware and fixtures throughout.
Repaired or replaced rotted wood and rusted sheet metal, door slides, latches, fence posts, gates, gutters, and repainted all surfaces.
Repaired or replaced rotting wood and rusting metal, added custom decorative cap to roof with weathervane, updated wiring where necessary, added outdoor lighting, and repainted all surfaces.
Removed or pruned diseased or damaged shrubs and trees, replanted sustainable varieties, repaired all fences and gates throughout property, painted and sealed all wood and metal surfaces.